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Shana’s Baby Shower

November 14, 2018

We are excited to announce that we have a new (junior) lab member joining soon! We are so happy for Shana, Simon, and their first little one – Luna. We can’t wait to meet her!


Pin the Baby to the Mommy Game

Enjoying snacks and fun games!

Baby Cohen Lab Members! (From top left to bottom right: Kaeley Jenkins,
Mac Woodburn, Darius Johnson, Anna Covington, Kelly Eom, Jessica Cohen,
Kelly Duff, and Caroline Hoch)

Darius Presents His Poster at Symposium!

July 25, 2018

Cohen Lab’s RA, Darius Johnson, proudly presents his poster, “Implicit Learning and Reward Seeking Behavior in ADHD” at the Summer Undergraduate Pipeline Research Symposium. Great job, Darius!

Flux Satellite Conference 2018

May 8, 2018

Dr. Jessica Cohen and Kelly, along with Dr. Margaret Sheridan and Dr. Eva Telzer help organize UNC-CH’s first FLUX Satellite Conference 2018!

Brain Academy

November 3, 2017

In collaboration with UNC DSN lab, members from the Cohen Lab (Kelly Eom, Sarah Furlong, and Mac Woodburn) welcomed middle school boys around the community to learn more about UNC-CH and about the brain! We all had fun participating in many activities, like brain games and a tour around Howell hall, where we demonstrated many of our facilities for research.


Our segregation and integration paper published today in The Journal of Neuroscience!

November 30, 2016

Our new paper, a collaboration between Dr. Cohen and Dr. Mark D’Esposito at UC Berkeley, was published today in Journal of Neuroscience. You can find a summary here. We found that brain network organization can dynamically reconfigure when cognitive demands change, and that the balance between segregation into distinct brain networks and integration across multiple brain networks is dependent on the specific cognitive requirements of a task. The more participants were able to achieve the optimal balance between segregation and integration, the better they did on the tasks!